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30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 28 - 5 Things That Make Me LOL!

Is this really Day 28?  What a long strange trip and commitment it has been.  I am glad this is coming to a close.  Like a marathon runner those last few miles seem to take forever to finish.  This post may seem that way too.  There's so much to write and say.  My sister covered it all in the who, what, how and when.  She put a lot of work in it.  I don't know if I'll go so far.  I'm getting lazy and slowing down.  This race is about over for me.  I will give you five assorted things that no matter what, they make me LOL.  And no, people placing LOL in an email or text is not one of them.
  1. Myself - I know it's wrong or a comedic blunder to laugh at one's own jokes and writings, but when you see something that is funny, you have to laugh.  Ex-wife number two used to say "You really slay yourself" every time I would say something humorous and laugh at my own joke.  She of course would be laughing right along with me, but couldn't admit to my genius.  Which is why she's ex-wife #2.  Why I think I'm funny is because I live by the motto, "It doesn't have to be right as long as it's funny!"  Check out the example.
    • Example:  I knew when I was young I wanted to be a comedian.  My hero was George Carlin.  So, for the 2nd grade talent show, I wrote a joke.  I told no one.  I wanted it to be a surprise.  The day of the show I got on stage in my navy blue slacks, shiny black shoes, white shirt and catholic school tie and recited my joke.  Why did the chicken cross the road?  <pause>  Because she heard there was a rooster with a really big Cock-a-doodle-do on the other side.  <pause>  The farmer tried to get her to stay by offering her double her salary.  She turned him down.  After all, it was still just chicken feed.  Dead silence.  I told this to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade classes at St. Mary's of the Epiphany school, to the parents, the nuns, the monsignor and the archbishop.  I started public school the very next day.
    • Here is another example if you haven't already read this post.
  2. Old Time movies and shorts - Any Marx Brother, Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello or the 3 Stooges shorts or movies.  I always find myself roaring with laughter at their antics.  I have always appreciated a good slapstick comedy. 
  3. Irreverent humor - Mostly the kind you find in over the top comedy movies or animated TV.  Fox TV has Sunday nights locked in for me forever as long as they keep the Simpsons, Family Guy and American Dad on the air.  Nothing pushes the envelope of good taste with ribald humor than a program which Seth MacFarlane is involved in.  If it's not some sexist or racially distasteful dialogue or dialog (both are correct, I checked), it's a physical comedy (beheading a character) that only animation could get away with.  South Park also rates on top.  Fart and genital jokes fall into this category too.  I just loves me a good fart joke.
  4. Comedians or Comediennes - I have my favorites in no certain order (George Carlin, Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, Richard Pryor, Rodney Dangerfield, Steve Martin, Jonathon Winters, David Brenner, Don Rickles, Ellen DeGeneres, Roseanne Barr, Bill Hicks, Eddie Izzard, Lily Tomlin, George Burns, Gary Shandling, Jerry Seinfeld, et al.).  These people are just scratching the surface.  I know a few times when I watched their shows or movies I nearly pee myself laughing so hard.  But there are many great talented funny people who give me hours of endorphin release.
  5. My cat, Potter - Don't blame him for his name.  I have a shitty habit of naming things poorly.  It's a good thing I never had kids.  It has been hours of joy and laughter with the crazy shit he does, especially as a kitten.  True story:  As a kitten, he loved to play with paper bags.  He'd dart in and out of them.  Throw one of his toys in the bag.  Lay it on its side and he'd go to town.  One time I laid out a small bag that had thin rope handles.  He was pleasing himself playfully darting in and out of the bag.  On one of his darts out of the bag, his head was a bit higher than it should have been and he caught the handle around his head.  Well, dumb shit cat didn't stop running.  He went left.  He went right.  All at lightning speed.  He ran up the stairs and dashed up and down the corridor.  All the while the bag continued to follow him and bang and snap behind him at his heels.  He ran down the stairs and after a few more back and forths in front of me the bag finally came free.  He stopped.  Looked behind him at the spent bag.  (I swear the bag had lit up a cigarette and was smoking.)  Then he looked at me as if to say, "What the furk just happened?"  The whole time I was rolling on the couch laughing.  I laughed so hard I gave myself a stomach cramp.  It was the funniest thing I had ever witnessed.  If I only I had thought to put a camera on him and film him playing that video would have been for Youtube for the ages.  There have been several other little amusements.  The time he was sleeping on the back of the couch.  Forgot he was on the back of the couch.  Rolled over to fall off the back of couch on to the seat cushions.  He sprung up with a look of wonderment, not realizing where he was or what just happened.  Again, I was sitting next to this occurrence.  Too funny for words.  You really had to have been there.
On the Penultimate Day (29) - "Next 30-Day Goals"  That should be easy...take a few days off from writing.


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