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Coronavirus, Part 14 - More Thoughts

When it rains, it pours, but not today. Well, at least, weather-wise. The virus is still with us. But more interestingly, some of the rich one-percenters are not. No, they're not dead. They've fled. At least, in NYC. A NY Times article noted that the rich have fled the city. As all of you know, the virus has hit NYC worse than anywhere else in the U.S. 

In some of New York’s wealthiest neighborhoods, more than 35 percent of the residents fled the city in March and April. The citywide average, by contrast, was 5 percent. [New York Times] You know what this means? It's time to go shopping. There are riches to be had. No one around to stop you. I'm sure their doormen have all left or died. I'm not saying for people to commit crimes, but I can understand if the poor, destitute and unprotected from the virus feel like it's their birthday. If you know what I mean. During the Black Plague, the same thing happened in many of the wealthier European cities. The rich would flee the city in the hopes to avoid the plague. The joke was on them. Many of them only brought the plague with them and infected locations that had been plague free. So...the moral to that story is..You still gonna DIE!!! Maybe.

Let's talk statistics. I love numbers, except these. As of yesterday, May 14th, 2020, there have been 4.4M people infected with the virus worldwide. A little more than 300 thousand have died.[Johns Hopkins University]

The infected stats:

As you can see that everything we've done so far has not been enough. We have the most Coronavirus cases in the world. If you added up the next 5-6 countries together, we're still ahead. This is not a good statistic. Even if the majority of the infected survive, the country is still in chaos. Under this Presidential Administration, we've been given misinformation and outright lies. Statistics pulled out of this President's ass with no basis or validity. We are not fighting this as well as countries that are far less advanced as we are. Why? I'll tell you why. It's our hubris and feeling of superiority. Most of this country view themselves as elite above all other nations. But are we? If having the most infected or dying or dead is leadership, well, then we're there. And Trump still doesn't wear a mask. He was in Scranton, PA yesterday. Everyone around him was wearing a mask except him. Who the fahk does this clown think he is?

This stat above is enough to make other countries ban all Americans from ever entering their country again. How about that? The shoe is on the other foot. Americans being turned back at the airports, seaports and roads to enter countries like the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, etc. We have become a pariah to the world. All because we didn't take what was happening in China seriously. We are now in bed with China, except we're really not. China's numbers have been dropping. I hope you all are happy and satisfied. Most of our growth occurred exponentially in March and April where the rest of the world was beginning to decline. Why?

It's because the "powers that be" refused to listen to smarter heads with the real intelligence to what was going on in the world back in February. If this was taken seriously in February and we closed our borders to ALL other countries, stop allowing American citizens to travel in or out of the country, start quarantining sooner and ramping up production of tests to segregate the ill from the healthy, we wouldn't be in the shape we're in now. We wouldn't have lost so many people who were unaware of the dangers of their fellow Americans breathing on them. Think of this. How many family members infected their older family members that lead to their death? How would you like to live with that suspicion for the rest of your life? You KILLED you nana, pop-pop, mom, dad or a sibling with special health issues. I'm glad I don't have that hanging over my head. I'm talking pure misery.

I'm not Monday morning armchair quarterbacking here. Much of this was told the President by medical professionals who felt this was some serious shit that he should be reacting to. He chose to ignore it. I believe in November we need to ignore him when we go to the polls and vote for Biden or whoever is the Democratic Presidential nominee. We need someone with experience and intelligence. We don't need some rich kid who was fed off of a silver spoon his whole life and has always had his daddy's money to catch him when he fell. And he did fall. Look at his history. It's out there. Plain as day. He's failed so many times in business that I'd never invest in any of his projects. He'd guarantee you a tax write-off for a losing investment. That's it. And failing at governing a country is not just going to screw his investors, it's going to screw us all. Like Al Pacino said in Dog Day Afternoon, "Kiss me! Because I'd liked to be kissed while I'm being fuct."

I got off on a Trump rant. It was not my intention, but that MFer just angers up my blood.

Let's look briefly at our political leaders besides Trump. This week Republican Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina stepped aside (not resigned) while the FBI was investigating him for his stock sales in the wake of the Coronavirus. Not that I'm defending this guy, but if you are following the news and have an inkling how people react to crisis, it would've behooved him to watch out for his own ass. So, selling your stock while you anticipate a financial shitstorm is only logical. However, this POS should have said something to his asshat Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. Apparently, that guy might have Trump's ear. He might just listen. Then again, McConnell also probably dismissed this whole pandemic scam as a Democratic and Fake Media hoax. Did Burr commit a crime? I don't know. I don't think anymore than any other rich one-percenter who jumped off the Wall Street ship.

We know that Republicans don't want to give out another round of stimulus payments. As if it's coming out of their pockets, I mean really, how do they expect people to reelect them if they think so little of their constituents. The House Dems are trying to get another round, $3B to be precise, to be issued to the unemployed Americans that are now numbering over 36M. One last word on McConnell before we move on. I read an article from NBC News by Rebecca Shabad where McConnell admitted that he was WRONG when he said that Obama didn't leave a plan on how to handle a pandemic for Trump. We know he did, but as par for Trump's course, he rejected the plan left behind by Obama-Biden. He felt that it wasn't up to his standards. If his standard is what we have, well then, he obtained his standard. Failure. It's like the guy was set-up for success and he constantly strives for failure. Congrats, Donny. You have reached nirvana.

Let's speak of the lack of intelligence and common sense in the rest of the country. And there are a lot of them. How else did the Great Pumpkinhead get elected? The idiots storming state capitals illegally, in impromptu or somewhat organized mobs are fools. The only thing they're accomplishing is potentially spreading the virus. In Michigan this week, it went as far as violence. In the past, these rallies were just annoying and aggravating for the people who had to be out there. These assholes should have been home hunkering down. Instead, they were clogging the streets like so many turds in an overflowing toilet bowl.

I understand that most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and don't have a secret vault teeming with cash and gold coins. However, what is better? Going to work or dying? Because that really is your two choices. Maybe, you won't get ill. But do you want to make others ill? There are probably a lot of people who are asymptomatic. Those are the dangerous ones. We know to stay away from the feverish, coughing, nose running individuals who can't draw a full breath. We just don't know who looks as healthy as a mule (and maybe as smart as one) that may be infectious.

Seriously. If this minority, and it really is a small number of idiots, want to go out, let them. Just like the idiots who think owning an AK-17 is their second amendment right. They're assholes too. The founding fathers could not have fathomed a killing machine like that or any of the other assault weapons being produced. They were thinking shot guns and muskets. The first handgun wasn't made in the U.S. until the late 19th century. The rapid fire Gatling gun didn't appear until the Civil War. I bring this up because some of these assholes picketing outside some of the capitals were marching around with (presumed) loaded guns. That alone should get you arrested.

So, I'm to the point that I'm just plain sick of hearing all these fahken whiners. I say, Open it up. Open the country. Open the businesses. All the businesses. Relax the quarantining. Go back to business as usual. But bear in mind, when the virus has infected twice or thrice the number that it already has, don't expect the hospitals to save your worthless asses. They won't be able to. They'll be maxed out. I wouldn't blame them if they walk out and tell you all to go Fahk yourselves. Maybe we need to weed out the number of idiots in this country that lack common sense. Fill the graveyards with their bones. I! No longer! Give a shit!! Sounds cruel? It is. Tough love is sometimes the only answer for boneheads like these people. I've given myself a headache thinking about all of this. I need to go have a cup of coffee. I wrote this only after one cup. Can you imagine if I had drank two?

Until next briefing or ranting and raving, stay safe. TTFN.


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