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Coronavirus, Part 7 - The Stimulus or the Great Payout

When we last spoke, via BLOG, there were nearly 3/4 of a million COVID-19 cases throughout the world and nearly 150,000 cases in the USA. This in a three month time span. The USA now holds the number 1 spot as having the most infected. We really are into winning even at the cost of dying.

We should better define 'cases'. People. People, who are now patients or corpses. Many more who may be deceased before summer, even before Easter. Over 2,400 U.S. cases (over 37,000 worldwide) who will never see April Fool's day, tomorrow. All because people didn't take this seriously. In some cases. In other cases, it was just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There's at least one death on every continent and just about in every country in the world. Which is why it's being called a Pandemic. It spans the globe. So, listen to the smarter, educated voices, not the ones in your head, and stay home. Only go out if it's absolutely necessary. Of course, you can hang in your backyard or front porch as long as it's only with the people who live in your house. Your neighbor may be infected. It's already been stated and overstated that you may not have any outward symptoms for 2 days to 2 weeks.

There is at least one case in every state and in five U.S. territories. If this was a race to who can have the most infected, New York (59,219) would be the runaway winner with New Jersey (13,386) a distant second followed by California (5,739) with Michigan (5,486) just falling out of the money. Texas (2,552), a substantially populated state, has a low percentage of cases to their population base. I guess where everything is big in Texas; they are big on social distancing. Good for you Tejas. Gimme a YEEEE-HAWWW!!!

What is puzzling me is the numbers reported by Guam (58), Alaska (114) and Vermont (127). These are places that 1) are not as populated as states like Wyoming (87) and 2) How in the hell did they get infected or infiltrated? I don't see a huge correlation to traveling to China from any of these or possible exposure in an airport from those who landed from China to say Washington where transfer happened before boarding a flight from there to one of these other places. Do people actually fly to Washington state? On purpose? The scary part of this illnesses is how it's passed on.

Watch this and you'll get the picture how this and many viruses are passed along.

Two territories have either none or less than five: American Samoa and North Marianas, respectively. Don't pack your bags or book that flight just yet. You most likely will get infected at the airport, if they're even flying people these days, I don't know, and they probably won't let you on their island haven if you're from the states. Personally, I don't intend to ever leave my apartment ever again.

Some idiots will say it's God's way. Well then, God is an asshole. That's right I said it. If you don't like it, don't read on. If you agree or disagree but want to hear me out, read on. The stupid shite that humans do is the cause for humanity's eminent downfall. If I seriously thought end times was now. I'd be that crazy guy with the sign "The End is Nigh!" standing on the street corner, but then I'd probably catch COVID-19 and MY end would be nigher. I don't think it will happen in our lifetime,but I could be wrong. If people will only stick to the plan and stay the fahk home, maybe, just maybe, we can curtail this illness and save some lives.

Enough of pointing fingers and statistics for now. Let's talk about this stimulus. President Dump is either going to come out of this miraculously untarnished if this stimulus handout succeeds or he's going to be a goat for flip-flopping on the whole pandemic and not taking action sooner.

Is it a Democrat hoax? Are they blowing it out of proportion? Are they working against me? Is it all an overblown media hype in an attempt to undermine your President? I don't know Donnie. The last thing that's on anyone's mind is whether this affects your reelection chance. No one gives a shite. This is not about you. The man thinks everyone lives by what is happening with Donald Trump. The average person does not have him in their cross-hairs. The truth is everyone has only themselves in mind. Just about 99% of this country is thinking of survival. We are all in survival mode. Then there's the 1%  living in their usual stupid, dumbass, devil-may-care mode and probably deserve the death that they are so deliberately courting and being so cavalier about.

However, if you are receiving a check in the mail or a direct deposit, but don't live, you won't reap that financial reward. Your next of kin will and can spend it for you. Then again the people who are living carelessly are probably not getting a check because the fall under one or more of these categories:

  • Children who are 17 or 18 years old.
  • Many college students between the ages of 19 to 23.
  • Adults who can be claimed as dependents.
  • Nonresident aliens (in other words, those without a green card).
  • Estates. 
  • Individuals who earn more than $99,000 or married couples earning more than $198,000. [CBS News]

I still need to point out some of the other stupid shite that POTUS has been spewing like a frat boy after having guzzled too much beer at last night's kegger. First, he wants to put America back to work (to our old normal daily routine) by Easter. WTF? That's in two weeks. There's no way the world, let alone the U.S., has a handle on this thing. What is he thinking? The sensible ones are trying to tell the Great Orange One that maybe Memorial day would be a better chance. Even that might be shooting too soon. I think this thing is going to last well into the summer.

Oh, yeah, the stimulus. Some of us won't be receiving it because we make too much money and are still gainfully employed. Okay with me. The amount they intend to issue I would burn through in a week after I pay the rent, car payment and some groceries. If they really want to help: The government should extend health benefits and unemployment pay to those that have been laid off or furloughed. Don't worry about how you'll get paid back. When things DO get back to normal, they could always tax the shite out of everybody. Now that would stimulate the hell out of the economy. Of course, no one in Washington, D.C. is going to listen to me. For more on this check out this CBS News posting.

Also, as in all crisis and especially if it comes to receiving money from the gov, creeps and scammers crawl out from under their rocks and try to get your dough. Don't entertain any phone calls or emails from people claiming to be with the government or an agency that can help expedite your payment. The government is too busy to be calling individual Americans. The callers are definitely frauds and are out to capture your IDs and every dime you have. Don't even speak to them. When they start their spiel, slam the phone down. Or in this case, press the disconnect button. No one has old-fashioned phones with handsets that can be slammed down in anger anymore. Even though the person on the other end could never hear the slam, we did it all the same. Why did we do that? TV and movies. Blame it on them. That's where we saw it. It was called Acting. It was Drama. And boy every time I turn on a news program, I think I'm watching a network Drama. I wish I had an old phone to slam or better yet throw across the fahking room. I really, really, really wish I had a President and not a TV personality.

Well, I've gone on too long. Stay safe and don't spend your stimulus all at once, if you can help it. Until next time, TTFN.


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