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If you didn't know that this represents Covid-19, you'd
think this was pretty and a scene from Star Wars.

A word about the Coronavirus. Let's get something straight. Even if you are cooped up (with your kids), it's not going to be forever or possible no longer than two weeks. You don't need to buy enough milk, bread, eggs, cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer like a blizzard is forecasted that will have you trapped indoors until Spring. So, stop it!! Besides, most stores deliver these days.

Let's get a few things straight. (Not in any order of importance.)

  1. Don't believe the bullspit on social media. People who claim to be experts most likely are not.
  2. Don't buy cleaning supplies and sanitizer online for more than you would in a brick-and-mortar store. You're being scammed.
  3. The President IS misinformed and believes he knows what's best for America. He does not. The man is a frat boy idiot.
  4. DO listen to people who are in the medical field. Hint: Their name follows Dr. or OD or MD follows their name. The idiots in Washington, D.C. may not even have college education.
  5. Carefully pick through the lies and misinformation that the television talking heads say. They're trying to get you to watch so they can sell their sponsors' shite. And fear is a huge motivator. They did it to us with WMDs during the "W" Bush years.
  6. Don't trust statistics. They're always either overestimated or grossly underestimated. And numbers never tell the whole story.
  7. DO wash your hands with soap (preferably anti-bacterial) and warm water/hot water if you can stand the heat. They say at least 20 seconds, but truthfully, I'm not so sure if 10 seconds or 20 seconds would be enough or too much time. It can't be proven (in my mind). Don't listen to me. Not a doctor. It's my opinion and is not backed by any science.Wash as long as you feel it will keep you from ingesting feces or deadly germs when you are licking your fingers after eating your hot wings. That is, if germs could live through hot sauce. Note: Don't try to eat ghost pepper hot sauce unless you really want to die or at the very least kill your taste buds.
  8. Corona beer does not give you Coronavirus. However, I believe, it will kill the virus. And your liver. And a few brain cells, too. (This has not been proven by the ADA, MDA or AA.)
  9. To protect yourself best and to cut down on your cleaning and sanitizing supplies expenses, don't let your kids play with other kids. Don't invite the whole neighborhood or strangers into your house. Limit your exposure to other people. STAY HOME for Fux sake.
  10. Treat the Coronavirus like the Flu - a Superflu. Don't go near anyone or pass it on to others. STAY the FCK HOME!!!
  11. If you feel sick and feel you need to see your doctor, urgent care or a hospital ER, phone them first. DON'T just show up where you're not wanted. There are other sicknesses or injuries that are non-Coronavirus related. These people have enough to be concerned with without contacting Covid-19.
  12. Pandemics are serious shite. They're worst than epidemics. Which we all know are superbad. And I don't mean superbad as in hanging with your homies and hooting at all the hotties strolling by your brownstone stoop. (Sorry! Having a West Side Story-like flashback.)
  13. This is the worse thing that has happened medically to the world in years. The last time was the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918. [Wikipedia] That also was a lack of foresight and inactivity that caused so much death. Thank you, Woodrow Wilson, who squelched making this pandemic known to the American public because of the Great War activity. What an asshole? And being a man from New Jersey and a Princeton man. Farking Ivy league.
  14. As I eluded earlier, this will pass. The truly healthy may get sick but will survive. Statistics, which I told you not to trust, show that those that are dying are very old (80+) and/or very sickly in the first place. Facts are facts.
  15. Also, as I eluded earlier, don't go nuts in the grocery, discount or big box stores. You'll help their economy but you will find yourself eating breakfast for every meal for weeks to avoid expiring food products, which would be a whole other illness if you eat expired food. Not that you can totally trust the expiration dates on anything. I find some stuff lasts days past the best by or use by dates. Sometimes, I live dangerously. Like writing BLOGs.
Other things to consider:
  1. It is believed that this thing is not airborne as much as it is spread from people touching contaminated surfaces. I say poppycock and bull pucky. I don't know a germ that isn't lighter than air. I think a sneeze or a cough from an infected person not only contaminates the surfaces it lands on, but the air it is floating through. And you could easily be infected if you, unknowingly, walk through the space where an infected person just sneezed or coughed. So beware! If you hear a sneeze or cough in your vicinity, RUUUUUUN!!!!
  2. If you have washed your hands thoroughly and haven't touched anything then by all means touch whatever part of your body including your face, but preferable in the privacy of your own domicile. And I'm telling you it's not easy not touching your face. It's the only way that guys like me can approach pretty woman. By obscuring our faces with our hands enough to not scare them off by our homeliness and ugliness.
  3. This leads me to state as they do in many places online; they still really are not positive how this thing is passed and where it came from. Treat everyone as if they have cooties. Chances are; they do!
Let's play the Blame Game.
  1. We can blame the Chinese. BUT do we know that they're really to blame. Could this be a Russian ploy? Did the Russians sneak this little germy tidbit into China? We know the two countries are not on the best of terms. What countries are? Look at us and Mexico. We are not BFFs. Thank you Donald Trump. Is it some type of germ warfare by the Russians and/or Chinese? Who is really to blame?
  2. We could blame the people returning to the U.S. from China. Definitely. I can understand not blaming them however if they were going back to their home country to visit relatives. I work with many Indians who go back to India once a year for a month. If they bring back some sort of viral or bacterial sickness, I don't hate them or wish them to be burned at a stake. But I do blame them a little for making me sick. But you really, really can't blame people for wanting to connect with their blood relatives. With the Coronavirus, you can be a little annoyed that they brought the 21st century's version of the Black Plague back to the U.S. Thank you, World Travelers.
  3. We could definitely blame the rich American who thought it would be a gas of a vacation to go to China. Yes, you! You rich American bastards! What? Our country isn't good enough to spend your tourist dollars. Don't we have enough touristy places for you to visit? We have a Chinatown in every major city in the U.S if you want to see REAL Chinese.
  4. Of course, we can blame the government. All of them. The Chinese for ignoring how serious this was and not informing the rest of the world. Our government as well as all these other governments as this Aljazeera article of lists countries and the number of cases (including deaths) last updated 3/13/2020. This is not just statistics. These are facts. Real headcount. There are a lot of cases throughout the world. I guess that's why it's a pandemic. It's every-farking-where.
  5. Locally, I blame the ass-clowns in Washington, D.C. for not taking this seriously. And the fact that Trump would rather take budget dollars from everywhere else for his precious half-assed border wall instead of  investing in the CDC, or medical research, etc.
  6. Trump and the U.S. medical community who would not accept the German testing kits as valid enough to be used in the U.S. where around the world everyone else is using them. Instead they tried to roll out some incomplete, inaccurate kit and not enough of them to cover the size of the population in this country needing to be tested. There are not nearly enough people being tested for this sickness. We are always reactive and rarely preventive.
  7. Trump for all his misinformation, downplaying of this illness and just out and out lies about what we have in test kits or cures, etc. It's reported that having enough tests are actually months away. A vaccine could be years away. We all could be either dead or over it by then. Something I've been saying for years: Our healthcare system is totally broken and we're all fukt.
Most of this can be found online. Here are a few places you can check for yourself.

Worldometers - a live update of cases
Coronavirus Symptoms from The Guardian It's in plain language in case the CDC and WHO are too over your head.

One concern I have is I live in a county that has the most reported cases in the state. So many, that adding up all the other counties' cases are still lower then in my county. I'm living in a Plague Zone. So, if I live through this nightmare catastrophe, we will meet again in hyperspace or wherever the fck we are. TTFN. And wash your goddamn hands and stay healthy.


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