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Showing posts from February, 2015

Full Moon Lunacy or Just Typical Assholishness

Here we are 34 days into 2015 and only my first posting this year. I said from the outset that I would only publish when I had something to share and/or say. Today, my friends, is that day. I knew today something was brewing. That some kind of shit might go down. Call it a premonition or a sixth sense. But it all started with the merge onto I-95 this morning. Actually, it started before that. There was the incident at the all-way stop sign. The lady in the beat up sedan and myself arrived at the stop sign simultaneously. As proper driving etiquette would dictate I intended to yield to the car to my left. The lady. But!!! She insisted that I go. WHAT??? A simple act of kindness and courtesy from a complete stranger? By an African-American female? In Philadelphia? Where whitey is the devil. WTF is going on here. My next car Well, that simple act was short lived. When I got to the Great Merge at Princeton Avenue all bets were off. Due to the forever ongoing widening and traffic pa