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Showing posts from August, 2014

Insure This...

I'm back.  Hiatus over.  And let's start back with a rant on one of my most favorite things to hate.  Insurance companies.  You can't escape them.  They're on every TV network.  Commercials from Allstate, Cure, Farmers, GEICO, Liberty Mutual, Progressive, Safeco, State Farm, et cetera.  You see their ads in magazines, online shopping and on the bus sides and stop kiosks and taxi domes.  Basically, we are beat over the head by their ads.  It doesn't bother me that they advertise or that we really would be screwed both legally and financially if we didn't subscribe...yes, subscribe, like a magazine, because once you pay for it; it's gone.  It bothers me that there's no return.  Even if you have a claim, you don't always benefit.  There's deductibles.  More out of pocket costs.  There's always the chance of a claim denial.  At least with a paper product you can wrap fish or cat poop in it. So what?  We get beat over the head with commercial

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 30 - 30 Days of Highs & Lows

Day 30, the last for this challenge for now - "Your highs and lows for the month" . OK.  Who says Daddy Tom doesn't come through on a commitment?  No, really, I want to know who says this thing because I'm going to hunt them down and kick their ever loving...Sorry, must work on those anger issues.  JK.  I'm am happy that I successfully completed a somewhat meaningless challenge with two of my favorite women, my sister, Sandi and my cousin, Marianne.  (I am not allowed to say my favorite cousin, because I'd have about 100 of them disappointed (relieved) or angry (really relieved) with me.  Also, kidding.  I'm a lovable stooge.  Well, on with the show. A lot has happened the last 30 days. Highs   I wrote 30 blogs and people actually read them...and possibly even liked them. I have grown closer to many family members. Kelsey Grammer is back on TV ( Partners ) My favorite Summer shows are back:  The Bridge, Masters of Sex, Face Off and Beat Bobby

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 29 - My Goals For The Next 30 Days

The Penultimate Day of this 30 Day Writing Challenge (That would make it the 29th Day.) Day 29 - "What are your goals for the next 30 days?" After the last soon to be 30 days, I'm going to start by slowing down on this writing business.  I like to take my time and well research my rants and ravings before I plow ahead. In no absolute order, here are my plans:   To start writing a new novel or short story.  I may even go as far as finish enough of something to self publish (something I have been toying with the last year or so) through . Attend some baseball.  I was at a Phillies-Mets game today (8/11).  Phils lost...again.  I have tickets for the 19th and 23rd.  Hopefully, I will have someone to attend with me.  My gal is working and unavailable both days. Consider formulating a plan to lose some weight.  I said "consider" and "formulate" which is Tom talk for "deeply thinking about losing weight but not having the int

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 28 - 5 Things That Make Me LOL!

Is this really Day 28?  What a long strange trip and commitment it has been.  I am glad this is coming to a close.  Like a marathon runner those last few miles seem to take forever to finish.  This post may seem that way too.  There's so much to write and say.  My sister covered it all in the who, what, how and when.  She put a lot of work in it.  I don't know if I'll go so far.  I'm getting lazy and slowing down.  This race is about over for me.  I will give you five assorted things that no matter what, they make me LOL.  And no, people placing LOL in an email or text is not one of them. Myself - I know it's wrong or a comedic blunder to laugh at one's own jokes and writings, but when you see something that is funny, you have to laugh.  Ex-wife number two used to say "You really slay yourself" every time I would say something humorous and laugh at my own joke.  She of course would be laughing right along with me, but couldn't admit to my gen

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 27 - Kicking A$$ Or Getting My A$$ Kicked

Day 27: "Conversely, write about something that’s kicking ass right now." It's almost over I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...or is that the light that I hear Zelda Rubinstein telling me to walk into?  Anyway.  What is kicking ass right now?  I don't know what that means.  I like to think that the weather is, but it's been too wet and too cool for this time of year.  I like to think my cat is kicking ass, but he's not feeling well.  I don't know what's wrong with him now.  He was fine this morning.  I get back home this evening and I see two very soupy looking poops in his litter box.  And he turned his nose up at both his Greenies treats and his dinner.  What fresh hell is ahead?  I like to think that my time off from work kicks ass...well, it sort of does.  I am on a 3 day weekend.  On Monday, a buddy and me are going to the Phillies-Mets Businessman's special.  That sort of kicks ass, but I don't know if that counts.  So, no

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 26 - Self Improved

We are coming very close to the end.  Day 26 - " Write about an area in your life that you’d like to improve"   Interesting. Every year, at the end of the year, before but mostly after the ball drops in Times Square, people make resolutions.  Most of the resolutions are attempts to better their lives.  Make them more whole.  Make them more wholesome.  Make them more something.  In other cases, it's to make the less.  Lose some weight.  Lose some stress.  Lose that ball and chain.  Whatever.  I, every year, lose the resolution.  I'm sure there's a statistic out there that tells us the large percentage of people who don't keep their resolutions.  I cut out the middle man and refuse to make resolutions.  I believe if I need to change something to improve myself, my standards or my karma, I will do it when I damn well feel I'm ready and not because a bloody year has turned over. I don't want to discuss or make judgment about what is wrong with me. 

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 25 - Puppet

OK.  Day 25 - "Think of any word. Search it on Google images. Write something inspired by the 11th image" .  Holy crap.  I am clueless.  Sooo, when you are clueless where do you turn to...the Internet.  I found a Random Word Generator.  Pressed a few buttons and presto-wammo.  I got the word:  Puppet   Puppet - a goddamn creepy child's toy that will give you an eternity of nightmares.   Here's my 11th puppet picture.  ->   Oh, happy, happy, joy, joy.  This is a daily double.  Two clown marionette puppets.  Double the fun (nightmares).  Remember I don't like clowns.   What can we say about puppets that hasn't already been said in dozens of horror films?  A puppet is an inanimate object or representational figure animated or manipulated by a puppeteer . It is used in puppetry , which is a very ancient form of theatre. (Wikipedia)   Puppets and puppetry date back to Greek culture and writings in the 5th century B.C.  It's constru

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 24 - The Truth

Day 24: "Write about a lesson you’ve learned the hard way."  All my life's lessons were learned the hard way.  We are not given an owner's manual at birth.  Just like parents are not given a parenting guide the first day your child is in their total care.  There's been enough books written about it.   Somebody has made a ton of money and has probably laughed themselves to the point of wetting themselves.  That doesn't mean any of it works.  The one hard lesson I learned many years ago and continue to relearn daily. Truth and lies.  It's all the same   Please don't misunderstand me.  Being honest and truthful is admirable and righteously proper, but sometimes the truth should be more like "the truth".  Here's what I mean.  A friend asks if the outfit they're wearing is proper for a wedding, funeral, public hanging, whatever.  You want to do right by them, but you also know that if you give them the truth, when they really want

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 23 - Dear City of Philadelphia

It's Day 23 of this Writing Challenge - "A letter to someone, anyone" .   One week to go and then back to normal writing and blogging and ranting and raving.  My first approach was going to be a letter to God (god).  I'll write that one later.  But then recently I made the mistake to watch the news and a posting that my sister posted on my Facebook page.  At that moment I decided I'd address the people, most of whom I have never met.  I would love to see what makes them tick and why they do the things they do. Dear City of Philadelphia, How's it going?  It's been ten years and we have never really had a good sit down and a heart to heart talk.  I want to understand some things.  Why is this city called the City of Brotherly Love when there is very little love showed to each other.  Did you know earlier this week a 3 year old child was shot and killed sitting on her front porch.  That bullet was intended for someone else, but it strayed and she cau

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 22 - 10 Random Songs

Ok.  I need to read these topics completely the night before.  I listen to about 8 hours of music a day.  Nowhere in there did I randomly let my iPod run.  I selected my music at the moment for what I wanted to hear.  I could have had this done this morning.  I think this assignment is lame.  LAME!!!  But I'm a trooper (Starship Trooper)  It's a Yes song.  Because I refuse to spend an hour or so listening to random songs when all I want to do is sit in my La-z-boy and read, you are getting the random 10 by way of next song fast forward.  I have over 17,000 songs on my iPod.  Some of them I even purchased.  We are not going to scratch the surface to what I own and play regularly. Song List " This Charming Man " from the album You Can Play These Songs With Chords by Death Cab For Cutie (a cover of The Smiths song, which I also have.) " Come to Me " from the album  Magnetic by Goo Goo Dolls " Time " from the album  Full Moon, Dirty Hearts

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 21 - "Three Life Lessons...Or Listen Up, Son"

Day 21 of my first 30 Day Writing Challenge: "What three life lessons do you would want your children to learn from you?" I doubt what I have to share is new or even wise.  I like to think that it's common sense.  However, all I have to do is switch on the television and watch the news or read some of the crap on the internet to observe the lack of common sense that the common man has. For a lack of a better term, these three lessons will not be called rules or lessons but guidance. Guidance #1: Be true to yourself.   Don't let anyone tell you who you should be.  You should be who you feel you are.  Straight or gay.  College or a trade.  Arts or science.  Married, partnered or single.  It's your lump of clay to mold, cut and form.  Parents, teachers, friends and strangers can guide you or give you advice and suggestions, as I am doing here.  It's up to you to follow or blaze your own path.  No one but you can know what is best for you.  Sometimes learn

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 20 - "My 3 Celebrity Crushes"

We are two-thirds of the way through this challenge and they've given us a head-scratcher.    Day 20: "Post about three celebrity crushes" My 3 Celebrity Crushes?  The odd thing is I've had so many over the years.  None of them lasting.  Should I give a nod to my teenage crushes?  Should I revel about my crushes from my 20s and 30s?  The issue there is these women are now old and lost most of their luster.  Also, people might think, this guy's taste in women is shtako.  However, once upon a time they were hot and fine to me.  That's not saying people still wouldn't think my selections are subpar.  In my defense, I don't follow the norms.  I could choose women that are currently trending today, but that could just be plain creepy because I'm old enough to be their father...or creepy uncle, at best.  Yes.  Creepy Uncle Tom.  That uncle you invite to family functions begrudgingly because you have to.  The same uncle who hugs the nieces a liii

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 19 - "My First Love"

Day 19: "Discuss your first love" Well, now, I don't know how to start this.  After many years of puppy loves and infatuations, I became enamored by this lady.  However, she never knew it because it was more of a secret first love.  She never knew my feelings.  I do believe as I did years later that I wasn't in love as much as just "strongly" infatuated.  As a matter of fact, every lady I thought I was in love with, I wasn't.  I have a history of confusing lust and infatuation for love. It was high school. There was this young lady.  She was a Senior.  I was a Junior.  She was dating a good friend of mine, who was a Junior too.  We attended the same high school.  We had no classes together.  We didn't hang out before, between or after classes.  The only time any of us were together was when we met for the church youth group choir.  (Yes, I was in one of those for a few years too.)  We only had the one thing in common.  Music.  The good thing wa