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Showing posts from December, 2015

End Of The Year Thoughts 2015

Another year is winding down. Overall, from my POV, this year (2015) sucked. Worst year ever. 2014 was bad. 2013 was very bad, but this year was the worst. As I get older, it appears each year becomes more disappointing than the last. My girlfriend said to me after hearing my remark, "but you have me." My reply to her was, "Yes, and you're the reason why I'm not on a slab in the morgue or having a wardrobe of prison orange." There is always a little sunshine peeking through life's cloudy sky. Quick recap. My sister passed away. (Months of depression. Still not over it.) I hated my job. Pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: My company finally dispelled my arch nemesis. Pot of Gold turns out to be a bucket of horseshit: I'm out three months later. This in itself was not necessarily a bad thing, until I found that I carried no value in the job market. I was either overqualified or under qualified . Between a rock and a hard place? After nearly six