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Showing posts from July, 2021

Coronavirus- Part 20: The Wrap-up

Hello, my friends. It's been awhile. This piece was a long time coming. I just wasn't sure how to begin and end it. I'm hoping this will be the last I speak of this year-and-a-half-long event. To recap, COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. It's a virus that is from nature but could be manufactured. This particular strain we don't know for sure.  Where we left off, POTUS 45 was being as useful and productive toward the fight against this malady as he had always been. He did nothing. He withheld information. He told lies. And he had no plan. It was believed that we wouldn't have a vaccine until Summer 2021. Gratefully, this was a very conservative estimate. We had the vaccine shortly after the November 2020 election where Americans came out in record numbers to vote for their president. People will say that the sitting President was cheated out of reelection. By 8 million votes?? I don't see that as even remotely plausible. He lost. He lost.