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Showing posts from March, 2016

The Trouble With Change

Change is good...sometimes. I have blogged on a few occasions about my former employer, The Faceless, Soulless, and Heartless Corporation. More specifically, the ass-monkeys who ran it into the ground. As some of you may not know, I was laid off last July. After several month's of severance, I joined the millions on the government dole. The one benefit TFS&HC granted their severed emps was to carry their insurance through to the the end of 2015. Thank you, ass-monkeys. Artist rendition of former corporate ass-monkey As December loomed before me, I had made a decision I was not going to pay $700 plus for COBRA to an insurance company which I did not like. (It rhymes with Metna.) I searched through the Obamacare plans. Thank you President Obama. I can only imagine what people who are unemployed, underemployed and just plain too poor to afford decent insurance dealt with in the past without having the opportunities we have now to be insured with affordable, good insurance. (