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Showing posts from December, 2019


Hi-ho! It's been over a year since I last posted anything. I've been busy!! However, I have a desire to make an observation and give an opinion concerning the Impeachment of the President. There are a lot of memes out there these days. I wanted to give a shout-out to this young lady. I remember reading a tweet from Trump taking potshots at her. A 70 year-old rich white man picking on a 16 year-old Swedish student. How mature and responsible??? Let's frame up my mindset, I never liked the man. Ever. Long before he was a reality show icon and now the rich guy who basically bought and/or stole an election and has disgraced the office, I saw the man in commercials hawking burgers and other TV stuff. I think he always wanted to be famous for TV or movies or something. I read about his terrible business management skills. I concluded he was not concentrating on being a giant in industry. He's consistently half-assed and failed at the majority of his businesses. I just