The Penultimate Day of this 30 Day Writing Challenge (That would make it the 29th Day.)
Day 29 - "What are your goals for the next 30 days?"
After the last soon to be 30 days, I'm going to start by slowing down on this writing business. I like to take my time and well research my rants and ravings before I plow ahead.
In no absolute order, here are my plans:
Day 29 - "What are your goals for the next 30 days?"
After the last soon to be 30 days, I'm going to start by slowing down on this writing business. I like to take my time and well research my rants and ravings before I plow ahead.
In no absolute order, here are my plans:
- To start writing a new novel or short story. I may even go as far as finish enough of something to self publish (something I have been toying with the last year or so) through
- Attend some baseball. I was at a Phillies-Mets game today (8/11). Phils lost...again. I have tickets for the 19th and 23rd. Hopefully, I will have someone to attend with me. My gal is working and unavailable both days.
- Consider formulating a plan to lose some weight. I said "consider" and "formulate" which is Tom talk for "deeply thinking about losing weight but not having the intestinal fortitude to follow through". I have been on this gain-lose weight rollercoaster for a very long time. My endocrinologist wants me to lose some weight (like 25 pounds). I think I'd like to win the lottery and live out my days on a sunny, Pacific Ocean island with semi-clad island women answering my every needs. I don't think either one of us is apt to get what we want or wish for.
My harem...more like my scare 'em.
- Play more guitar. Not just because I enjoy it, but because it drives my cat crazy. It's my little way of getting even for the 5 a.m. wake up Meows.
- To go along with #4, try to write some new songs. I haven't done much song writing in several years. I haven't really had much to say. I used to use my songs to express my opinions and feelings, but now I have BLOG!!!
- Prepare for my October Mexican vacation. It may take me a good 30 plus days to get it together. Say Mexi-Can, not Mexican't.
- Lastly, to go along with #1, continue to thrill and entertain my (hopefully) ever growing public of blog readers with more fantastical, humorous and bizarre blog subjects.
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