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Global Warming or Climate Change...Who Cares, Really??

Today, I decided to tackle a real problem...getting people to pull that stick out of their butts. Global warming or climate change, whatever you want to call it, is as real as Donald Trump is President. Yes, both situations are very frightening. However, we can only eliminate the one. Don't re-elect him. But for the other, no dice. That puppy is here to stay and it's going to grow up to be like Beethoven. Not the long dead classical musician, but the giant St. Bernard doggy from those cheesy movies.

So, does that mean we should not give a spit. Mmmm...well, I, for one, have bigger fish to fry. I have to concern myself with living and surviving day-to-day life.

Here's my belief. Part of it is borrowed/appropriated without permission from far more intelligent scientists than I and part is what I recall from Junior High School Science classes. I was an average student.

Let's step into the Twilight Zone. We have a room. Twenty feet by twenty feet by nine feet high. We have a thermostat set at 69 degrees. There are two people in this room. A man and a woman. The man is comfortable. The woman is whining that she is cold and asks the man go out to the car and retrieve her sweater that she left on the backseat of the Maserati he borrowed from his brother to impress this woman. Too much information? Okay. We'll stick to the facts.

A party is about to begin. There's one door and no windows in this box of a science experiment room. The thermostat is set and cannot be changed. The party guests have been arriving every 10 minutes. The party guests are of different sizes, weights, ages, ethnicity, social, political and religious beliefs. None of which play any part in this experiment. They are meaningless and have no sway to the results of the experiment unless one of them came in with a nuclear weapon strapped to their body. Then all bets are off.

The average body temperature is 98.6 degrees. As more people enter the room and the room cannot expand, the room will slowly grow warmer. Why? Because the warmth of all those bodies start to displace the cool air that travels down toward the floor with hot air emanating from the bodies as well as the hot air emanating from the BS stories being told by (mostly) the men in this party. The hot air rises and pushes against the ceiling and floats back down warming up or destroying the cooler air closer to the floor. Here's some science-y line I appropriated from some college's online science class:  "The absorbed energy makes the molecules in air move and expand, therefore decreasing the airs density. The opposite is true for cold air. It is more dense because the molecules are closer together and they are closer together because the bonds are absorbing less energy and therefore do not move as much." [] To translate in layman's terms: Cold air is heavier. It goes to the ground. Hot air is lighter. It displaces the air from the ceiling down. Eventually all the cold air gets heated and everyone is the same. Hot and bummed out.

When there were two people in the room; the room felt cool/cold. When there were 10 people in the room; the room was still comfortable and the woman probably had removed her sweater and handed it to Maserati man. (He really doesn't realize that he's not getting any tonight anyway.) When the room has been filled with 30 people and the thermostat has not changed and the A/C or heater remains off (That's our control in this experiment.); the room will have become down right humid, sticky, moist and uncomfortable. Why? And what's this have to do with Global Warming? Wait for it.

The Mathematics:

We have 3,600 cubic feet of room (20' x 20' x 9'). Divide that by two and each individual has 1,800 cubic feet to themselves. Plenty of room to swing a rope, if you had one. Divide by ten and each individual has 360 cubic feet to themselves. Not so much real estate now. Divide that by thirty and Voila! you have 120 cubic feet to yourself. That translates if we are to keep things constant to about (3.75' x 3.75' x 9'). It's like standing in a box. For some people this square, which is smaller than a county jail cell, would be claustrophobic.

The heat off your body would be bouncing off your nearest party goer's body and returning to you at a much more rapid rate than when it was just ten or two people in the room. The kinetic energy between the party goers would cause the temperature around them to increase and with no means of circulating the air, the warm/hot air displaces or heats up the once cool air resulting in the temperature in the room rising. You feel hot. Uncomfortable. Miserable. And you're ready to kick the Maserati man's ass for bringing you to this stinking party where there isn't a table, a chair or any cold thirst quenching beverages being served.

Now, the Earth:

The Earth has been around billions and billions of years or about 40 centuries in biblical time. And ignore the Dinos. No one has proved that Earth has expanded or its atmosphere, which is really the important part here. We have the same blue-green marble of land and sea and life forms forever since the dawn of time. However, the population has expanded. See chart below.

As you can see, mankind's procreation and advances in medicine, etc. has helped to increase the population exponentially. Go back to our worst party of the year scenario. If your space doesn't increase, but the space being used increases, the space you occupy is going to change in temperature, quality, etc. Yes, quality. Diseases thrive on this sort of closeness. Haven't you noticed all the cancer center ads on TV? And all the different drugs advertised to fix our wretched ill and diseased bodies?

Once you've used up all the livable space on Earth, you will search for transitioning the less livable space (deserts, ocean floor, outer space). But as most of these are impractical and too expensive to be sufficient or formidable solutions, we need to rethink our lifestyles.

My Opinion:

Global Warming is real. It's natural. You can't stop it unless we replace people growth with people demise. Reverse time, sort of. And unless you want to live in the dark ages again (which is still a possibility given the social, political and religious environment today), we are stuck with it. There are solutions, I suppose.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau: " looks as if the world's population could actually be starting to decline. The number of people on the planet has grown exponentially in the past half-century alone, from 2.5 billion in 1950 to an estimated 7 billion in 2012..." an excerpt from Time magazine. But generally speaking as of today worldwide, there are two births to every death in the world. Come on people we can do better. Stop ferking and do more dying. Not serious. Bad joke. By-gones.


A decrease in population or carbon footprint could reverse much of the negative effects from Global Warming. Eliminating the use of items or industries that have been noted whether by proof or conjecture to have a negative effect on the Ozone layer, which also controls the climate on Mother Earth, could also lighten the load. The only other solution which I believe will truly be the answer is the population will have to evolve.

The fittest will survive. Mankind will adapt to the climate changes or die out. The planet through its own infinite wisdom will deal with the pests known as humanity, much as it did with the non-existent bible creatures, the Dinosaurs, and shakes us off like a dog does to ticks and fleas. Either way, man will plod on. The species will survive. (Some of us, that is.) The sun will rise. The tides will ebb. Sheldon will have Thai food Thursdays until we will all eventually expire possibly walking into the ocean holding hands and singing, "Tomorrow" until the last note is just a glub-glub sound...or something like that.

Everyone should do their part. Quit smoking. Stop using Ozone harming aerosol cans, if any still exist. Stop farting. (A non-serious suggestion) And drive more fuel efficient vehicles. And lastly, demand your governments to be more responsible and tell Congress to not disassemble the EPA. We need those mothers more than ever. TTFN.


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